The newest instalment of the MCU franchise and Ant-man trilogy, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, manages to be a fun return to the typical superhero plot beats whilst still remaining fresh and fun.
Ant-man continues to be the relaxing break from the larger story at hand, even though it introduces the next “big bad” to the movies. This allows for those not fully up to date with the MCU to easily jump in to this comedic and charismatic movie. Even those new to the series at large can come into this movie and understand what is going on with little to no prior knowledge.
The introduction to the Quantum realm gives us an exciting new world in Marvel’s universe, and the writers allow themselves to create not just new cohesive lore, but lore that is not afraid to be weird. The CGI used to build said world also works really well, giving us some stunning visuals paired with quirky new characters.
Lastly, you can tell that all the actors involved had a blast filming this movie. From Paul Rudd’s continued charismatic presence to Jonathan Major’s rememberable and impactful entry into the series, the entire cast does an amazing job in roping you into the action and drama.
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